Allora! Man this mission thing is the hardest, most rewarding, most
straining, easiest, and best thing that I've ever done. I absolutely love
it!! I can't even begin to explain how rewarding it is.
I love sharing
the most precious thing that I have with everyone possible. I can't
explain how it works or why it is the way it is because it almost doesn't make
sense, that's just how it is. Yesterday we were in Milazzo. There
used to be a branch there but now it's part of our ward.
One of the young
single adults there has decided to send in her papers and just finished
yesterday. While we were eating lunch at their house, they had a friend
there who isn't a member and Sara (the one about to go on a mission) Was super
excited about how she finished with her papers and after a couple comments he
asked what exactly she was going to do.
She had a chance to explain what a mission consisted of etc. Well
this friend of theirs didn't agree with the idea of stopping one's entire life
for 18 months to be a missionary. He talked about how there are huge
economic problems and how especially in Italy no one can find a job etc.
And he made a really good argument, but in the end Sara just
explained how she had received an answer that she was supposed to do this and that
she knew the church was true. It was really sweet to see. What
makes things even cooler is that her dad isn't a member and doesn't really
support what she's about to do, and the fact that she is already so strong is a
sign that she's going to be a great missionary. =) Speaking about Milazzo.
Anziano Patané and Anziano Wood both served there. =)
So here’s a funny story; we get to church yesterday and the second
councilor comes up to me and says "hey Anziano, could you give a talk of
10 minutes on the topic of your choice, thank you." Then he walked
off, but I followed him to ask WHEN I was supposed to give it. He said
today. Uhhh…I wasn't really sure what to think but I figured that if
I said a prayer and didn't worry too much things would work out all right.
It was probably the best talk that I’ve ever given to tell the truth.
I decided to give it on humility. I really shocked myself on how
well it went. Just goes to show that it's true what Isaiah says, that he
who puts his trust in the Lord will mount up as on eagles wings.
This week we also had a blitz Zone Conference because the day that
they had chosen turned out that the Catania airport was closed. (BIG
surprise...) It went really well. Somehow every one of the
trainings was on the same topic. All 5 of the trainings, President Kelly,
sister Kelly, Catania Zone Leaders, Palermo Zone Leaders and the Assistants.
Everyone talked about what we can do to become more like Christ.
There was a lot said and I can't share it all but one of the most
repeated things was how we need to act. We need to create circumstances.
We can't just sit around and wait for the ideal circumstances to come
around because they wont, but if we do all we can to create the environment we
desire we'll be able to find it. Another thing that was talked about very much
was prayer. How it really can be a huge instrument on our lives.
How often do we say prayers outside of meal times, and night, and morning
prayers? Maybe not as often as we should if we really put our faith in
the Lord...
We had a Halloween party for our English course on Thursday.
Man it was so much fun!! We had a great time. It was all done by a
student from Colombia who I guess just has a big love of Halloween. I
have some pictures from it but for some reason the computer won't let me send
them, hopefully next week.... She went all out! There was a ton of food, games,
and songs; it was pretty fun.
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Looking toward the sea from Milazzo |
It's time for me to go. I love you all very much. I'm
glad the girls won their last soccer games. I'm glad that Abby is having
a great time and doing well in school. Be glad that today you are getting
snow because most of the people here have never seen it in their lives. I
can't wait to Skype with you at Christmas! S.I.G.
"Look inside yourself, you're more than what you've become.
Remember who you are." The Lion King
Anziano Stewart