Okay, this is going to be fast, were actually doing this in Rome before we head back to Napoli. (We came to Rome for Zone Conference and a dentist appointment for Anziano Weeks who is staying in Napoli.
So first the big news of the week, I’m getting transferred to Bitonto it's a small city (30,000)!! I'm actually pretty excited to go there. It’s just outside of Bari. Something kind of cool/funny/interesting is that Napoli central is the biggest area as far as population goes in the mission and Bitonto is the smallest in the mission... ha-ha we'll see how that goes, I’m excited to experience missionary work when you know absolutely everyone in town! =P
My companion will be Anziano McAfee; he was my district leader last transfer. (He was in Caserta) I'm really excited, I have been told the branch there is the best in the entire mission!! This week was full of highs and lows, which is great because you know the Lord is both working through you and is helping you grow. There were several miracles we saw! 1st, there’s a man named Fillipo who is reading the Book of Mormon but doesn’t want to meet with us until he’s done. But we stopped by to say hi and he told us that without a doubt prophets of God wrote it! Also that every time he reads it he has no desire to smoke in fact it bugs him! One time he stopped for 3 days. (He’s 48 and has smoked since he was 8!)
And man, how about that First Presidency Christmas devotional?! Are they inspired or what?! It is such a blessing to be able to hear from them so often! About our Christmas telephone call I’m not sure what phone I’ll be using yet etc.
It was great to hear from Grandma and Brother Cartagena!! They both sound like things are going great! So does every one else in the family! I cant wait to talk (or maybe even see) you all!!!

Well, I know its short but I got to go, there's a lot I have to do and we need to be going back to Napoli soon. I love you all!! I pray for you all daily! Thank you for all your support and everything you do. You guys are the best, and I wouldn’t have things any other way! remember who you are and to keep Christ in your hearts, especially during this amazing season of the year!
Vi Voglio Bene,
Anziano Stewart
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