It's the 7th of November and we still sleep with the fan on....
Man, mom, you just overloaded my head!!! Too much crazy,
amazing, strange news!!! Abby decided to start her papers next month,
Brynn is going to China, James is getting married, Adam is going to Chicago on
a mission, Jessica is a mom, and missionaries are getting mission calls to
Taiwan temporarily until they can go to China!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY
COW!!!!!!!! I'm not sure how to take all this information!! I guess
just say hello to everyone for me, tell James I expect an invitation even if he
knows I can't come. =)
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Milazzo |
This week flew by just like every week, but that's not
new...yesterday we were part of one of the most profound miracles that I've
ever seen. For about a month, there has been a family that has been
coming to activities in church and yesterday we felt very strongly that we
needed to call them and see if we could meet to start teaching them the
lessons. When we called she was crying and started to tell us about all
of her problems, but in the end she told us that we could meet. Well later
on in the day we went to see them. (Which was kind of difficult to find their
house) We got to their home and said hello and everything, then right after we
said the opening prayer, their mom just started bawling. It turns out
that she was so hopeless and desperate because of all their problems and
difficulties that she had decided to take her life that very morning.
But because we called (and it was the very last thing that she
expected) she decided not to do it. Then, throughout the lesson we found
out that more or less the whole family is at their last thread. But by
the end of the lesson they were very optimistic and happy and excited even to
learn about the restored gospel and for the blessings that await them. It
was really an amazing experience.
About the Mostro dei Mostre (the monster of street displays) it went
really well!! The first day there was a flood!!!!! it rained a ton!! But we
were still out there (under a pavilion of course) but the other days there were
clear skies and a ton of people. It was very tiring to be out there
standing, stopping people etc. from 10 am to 8 pm, but it really brought
fruits. We have upwards of 30 people who want to know more and even more
who are interested, and we wont even talk about English course. It was amazing.
The city hall will allow us to do it 2 other times before Dec. 31 so
we're going to do one for Christmas time and another just whenever.
We have 2 dates right now, one with Nicole and the other with
Pina. It's almost sure that Nicole’s will go through, but for Pina's,
we're really going to have to work. She has to just bite the bullet and
buckle down. She knows what she needs to do but she just doesn't do it.
It's maybe the most irritating thing to see. Because I understand
if some people don't know or understand certain things so they do wrong things
but she knows that she needs to come to church and that she has to stop smoking
but in the end that's not what she does. However she does want to be
baptized, a lot! So hopefully that will be her motivation to do it.
Everything else here is great; I absolutely love missionary work!!
It's such a blessing to be able to help in this great work. I know that it's
the Lord that he is at the head of all of this. Tell everyone that I love
them and have a great week!!
34:38 =)
"Look inside yourself, you're more than what you've become.
Remember who you are." The Lion King
Anziano Stewart
Do you know what? Reading your blog, so far, this post was the first to leave me touched. Especially the 2nd and the 3rd paragraphs. You really are a great person, Anziano Stewart! No other words to describe you.. -Isuri