Happy Leap year a tutti!!
Man, what a week! Well on Thursday we had our Zone Conf. with Anziano Texiera. It was incredible. Anziano Miller and I had to be there at like 0730 because he's a zone leader and there was a zone leader meeting Anziano Texiera conducted and then when we were there and the meeting was about to start Anziano Texiera called me in as well because I'm a companion with a zone leader. It really was interesting and something that has really impressed me. It was a blessing to be in that intimate of a setting with someone in the 1st Quorum of the Seventy. Then we had the Conference, which was really inspiring. And we've seen results already, after 5 days. Yesterday, I was at my desk after our great lunch (bucatini alla amatriciana) and I had an epiphany. I can't explain it, but it honestly completely changed how I feel and see and want to work. I'm so excited.
At Zone Conference, Anziano Texiera told a story about his son's mission and how they would stop every single person that they saw, and that it really worked. Up to that point I always said, "that is only for the crazy missionaries", "no one 'normal' does that" But we decided to try it. And wow. It’s incredible. We’ve gotten so many numbers and great potential investigators it's incredible. I think I've figured out how it works too. When we do that, the Lord knows that we are going to talk to everyone that is on that street, so he is able to put prepared people in our path easily because he knows we'll talk to them. All in all this week has been incredible.
The tiramisu was pretty good. It was cool. And then for the spiritual thought we started a program called 21 days with the family. It is based off of a promise that a member of the Seventy said. That is a family prays and reads for the people in their life who don't know about the church. And if they make a list of all the people that come to mind and pray for them, one of them will be ready to meet with the missionaries in 21 days. We are now doing it with 3 families in the branch and I can’t wait to see the results.
We get transfer calls this week, and I hope that Anziano Miller and I stay together. We are on fire and to break this up would be a sin. I think that if we could be together for another transfer we could really work some miracles here in Bitonto.
That is great that the package made it home with only 1 stamp!! Ha-ha! I'll send another one this week. =) I buy the books at the paper stores here; they’re like 10 cents. And they fit in the 60 cent stamp box =) I think I'm going to send them home pretty frequently.
Have you sent that package?
My back hasn't bugged me since the MTC. As soon as I was able to stand and not have to sit for 12 hours a day it was great.
Well I'm glad you all are having some good weather. Get that trampoline set up!!! Sara, how’s the piano and soccer going?
Maren, What have you been up to lately!?
J, how’s Bunny Stew doing?
Stay safe! Oh, we're going to Bridisi tomorrow to do a split, I'm really excited!
Vi Amo,
Anziano Stewart
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