Weeeee 'uagliò!!!!!
Man, what a week, like always. First, you all are great! Thanks so much for the pictures and the e-mails from grandma, Brother Cartagena, and from mom. It’s great to hear from you all. It’s crazy how things just keep on going even when you’re not there... like how Mattie is about to go do baptisms for the dead! Wow!! and that’s really cool about the Ellegoods moving to Landstuhl, kind of sucks for Richard with there not being any surfing there...but that’s way cool. Now lets get this clear, Grandma. I have no regrets about leaving my coat liner in the states. =) I’m great! =P, but thanks for the concern. Oh, and thanks for the pillowcase, I’m pretty excited to get it!!
Ok, this week was really cold, which means here, everything stops. Which makes things hard, but it adds a nice X factor that really makes things interesting. Anziano Miller had to go to Rome for Capi Conf. on Thursday, so I was with Anziano Wright for a day or so in Bari. He's a pretty sweet missionary, and he’s really diligent in learning the language. We taught their English course which was nice and we did "sogndagio" (a religious survey) on the bus for a bit. It was interesting, it's something I’ve never done but I’ve heard about it. I’m not entirely sure how effective it really is but it definitely is creative.
Hmm, what else happened this week... We had Branch conf. this Sunday and had the Stake Presidency here. They gave a kind of interesting lesson. They put together a video of all the big news of the year, but just like disasters, tragedies, etc. and then they had videos of the Apostles talking about how we can find peace and comfort through times like this. It was kind of cool. Then we went to eat with the family Panisco (Branch President), they are a great family. They have a daughter who served a mission at Temple Square (was she there when Uncle Mike was the Mission President?). While we were there we had tiramisu for dessert (here, there's this thing called orzo. like hot chocolate but it's from barley, way good) and I basically said I really liked it and now next week were going to go make it with Sorella Panisco and then do a Family Night with them. Can’t wait!!
We went to Trani on Monday again. We've almost contacted everyone and we have 3 new investigators from it! Sadly, all the members we've been able to find have had no interest in the church, not even seeing us... but when you have no contact with the church for 15 years that can surely happen.
Oh, man, yesterday, there was a branch party for the day of Santo Valentino. It was so great! I laughed so much! One of the many beautiful things about the Italians is they love to dance. It really was great. The members here in Bitonto are really the best members I’ve seen in all of Italy. they really are the elect.
oh, also about "Marianna Scatone" I’m not 100% sure but I’m almost positive that’s Sorella De Feo. She it the Sister who comes every week with her 10 and 8 year old kids but her husband (Nicolo) is inactive. The other week she gave us that huge bag of all kinds of food. She is doing great!
I'm so glad the package got there this week I’ll try it with just a 60 cent stamp... speriamo bene no?! and about the ties, dad can wear them, no problem, but when I get home I want to wear them too. =) I really hope this package goes with only 1 stamp, if it does I’ll be sending them a lot more often. =)
Well I need to go, I love you all and pray for you all. I'm doing great, Anziano Miller is doing great, and Italy is great!
Vi Amo,
Anziano Stewart
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