I left home at 19 years of age to serve as an ambassador of Jesus Christ to the Italian people for two years in the Italy Rome mission. I left everything behind including my family, friends, TV, music, movies, newspapers, magazines, and electronics. I do not receive any compensation for this except for the blessings my Heavenly Father bestows on me...and that is everything!
Romans 1:15
23 September 2011
22 September 2011
My First Area of Service
We made it to Rome safely! I'm sooo tired but I'm here. Last night we met the Assistants to the President (APs), the Mission President, and his wife and they are all fantastic!!
My first city is going to be Napoli! Crazy right?! I'm really excited but learning the dialect is going to be really difficult. One of the APs served there and he was speaking a little Napolitano and it is not Italian at all, but everything will be fine. We leave for our cities later today and I'll email next Wednesday on Preparation Day (P day).
I hope all is well, if you want to say hi just e-mail me at camron.stewart@myldsmail.net. No sense in paying for post if it's not needed. I love you all! Ciao!!
18 September 2011
Last Letter from the MTC
Dearest family,
6 days until we fly out!! We got our travel plans and the thing about that missionary speaking with his family; they do it while they’re at airports with layovers and such. So here are the times for my layovers: in Chicago, 3:25-5:10 pm local time and in London, 6:55-9:10 am local time. So, I’ll most likely call while I’m in London. But what is the phone number I should use? I’ll just buy a calling card that will be good for an hour or so. Also, make sure everyone knows not to send anything else to the MTC, and to just send it to the mission home in Italy, the address is on facebook. If they get mail for a missionary that’s left, they return it to sender; they do not forward it to Italy.
Last Saturday or so I hurt my back... I think it's a pinched nerve in my lower back. I have an appointment today and hopefully we'll be able to make some progress/fix it before I leave for Italy.... =/
Ok, so because the post office is moving, all “dear elders” from Saturday and on haven’t been delivered yet and won't be until tomorrow so I don’t have anything to respond to so I’ll just talk about my week.
Yesterday we had Elder Ballard come and talk to us and it was PERFECT for us because we leave in a week. He basically took everything a missionary should or needs to do to be the best missionary they can be. There’s a lot to look over and apply. We also got to watch the special music and the spoken word from Sunday about 9/11 and it was really spectacular. Not just because of the music but the Spirit associated with it. It’s good to be an American, but not just an American, an American that knows that as long as I follow the example of my Savior I’ll be protected.
Today is our last time to go through the temple for 2 years... that’s a bummer. =/ but there'll be one in Rome!!!!! =] speaking of which could you look up the dates for dedication and open houses? I’ve heard about 10. Anyway, today we're going to go early to the temple and spend 30 minutes extra or so in the Celestial Room because, well I don’t think I have to give a reason because it's obvious. =] I just love the temple!!
It’s incredible the trust we are given as missionaries. We don't have the discussions, and we aren’t told where to go. EVERYTHING we do is by the Spirit which is 100 times stronger and more effective than being told what to say by a piece of paper. I’m only 19. I have virtually zero experience teaching but once I get into a lesson, and I have the spirit, I can see how I’ve been prepared from before the foundation of the earth to teach and lift those around me. I don't say that to boast, just to testify of the great love and wisdom of my Father in Heaven. I love him dearly.
Something that Elder Ballard said last night was in our lessons and life we need to "keep it simple" and this is something that I’ve found out also. If someone's having trouble with ANYTHING in their life all they need to do is pray and read the scriptures daily and go to church. If they do this with faith in Christ, and with real intent, and a desire to improve, it's a promise from Heavenly Father that everything will get better. AWESOME!
There are a lot of missionaries in the world, something our teacher taught us and I really am trying to apply is the story from numbers 13 and 14. (Read it!) The 12 scouts were chosen because they were the best of the best. But only 2 had the trust and faith in God that they could take the land. We don't have to make it difficult. Life is hard but the solution is sooooooo simple; Satan gets into our heads and says there is NO WAY it can be that easy, but I know it is that easy. =] Joseph Smith said, "Weary the Lord until he blesses you", prayer works! We need to pray always and if we do God will grant us everything and more that we desire. (Ether 1-3) (Ether3;2)
Abby!!! How are you doing?! If you can could you please send me an awesome package with EVERYTHING BYU?! We have a couple Utah fans in our little Italy and BYU needs to be repped. Thanks so much, I hope schools going well. Always make time to study and pray. BYU plays Utah this Saturday it's going to be crazy?!?! When is the game?
I love you all and wish you well. I’ll talk on the phone with you in 1 week!!! =] keep it up! =]
P.S. I forgot a couple things... that is what happens when you e-mail at 6 in the morning... I don't know where I’ll be assigned first, we don't know until we get there! Pretty exciting and in our flight group there's 5 of us, not too many, and we're all really good friends. =]
Ok about my back, I strained my lower back and I need a session or two of physical therapy so there will be some activity on my insurance. Hopefully everything will be fine before I leave, I’m sure it will.
Could you send an Italian CTR ring (size 9, and just a classic design) to the Italian mission home for me? It’s not a huge deal but I’d love to have it! =]
Finally could you have a great day for me!? Happy Thursday!! Can’t wait to hear from you.
6 days until we fly out!! We got our travel plans and the thing about that missionary speaking with his family; they do it while they’re at airports with layovers and such. So here are the times for my layovers: in Chicago, 3:25-5:10 pm local time and in London, 6:55-9:10 am local time. So, I’ll most likely call while I’m in London. But what is the phone number I should use? I’ll just buy a calling card that will be good for an hour or so. Also, make sure everyone knows not to send anything else to the MTC, and to just send it to the mission home in Italy, the address is on facebook. If they get mail for a missionary that’s left, they return it to sender; they do not forward it to Italy.
Last Saturday or so I hurt my back... I think it's a pinched nerve in my lower back. I have an appointment today and hopefully we'll be able to make some progress/fix it before I leave for Italy.... =/
Ok, so because the post office is moving, all “dear elders” from Saturday and on haven’t been delivered yet and won't be until tomorrow so I don’t have anything to respond to so I’ll just talk about my week.
Yesterday we had Elder Ballard come and talk to us and it was PERFECT for us because we leave in a week. He basically took everything a missionary should or needs to do to be the best missionary they can be. There’s a lot to look over and apply. We also got to watch the special music and the spoken word from Sunday about 9/11 and it was really spectacular. Not just because of the music but the Spirit associated with it. It’s good to be an American, but not just an American, an American that knows that as long as I follow the example of my Savior I’ll be protected.
Today is our last time to go through the temple for 2 years... that’s a bummer. =/ but there'll be one in Rome!!!!! =] speaking of which could you look up the dates for dedication and open houses? I’ve heard about 10. Anyway, today we're going to go early to the temple and spend 30 minutes extra or so in the Celestial Room because, well I don’t think I have to give a reason because it's obvious. =] I just love the temple!!
It’s incredible the trust we are given as missionaries. We don't have the discussions, and we aren’t told where to go. EVERYTHING we do is by the Spirit which is 100 times stronger and more effective than being told what to say by a piece of paper. I’m only 19. I have virtually zero experience teaching but once I get into a lesson, and I have the spirit, I can see how I’ve been prepared from before the foundation of the earth to teach and lift those around me. I don't say that to boast, just to testify of the great love and wisdom of my Father in Heaven. I love him dearly.
Something that Elder Ballard said last night was in our lessons and life we need to "keep it simple" and this is something that I’ve found out also. If someone's having trouble with ANYTHING in their life all they need to do is pray and read the scriptures daily and go to church. If they do this with faith in Christ, and with real intent, and a desire to improve, it's a promise from Heavenly Father that everything will get better. AWESOME!
There are a lot of missionaries in the world, something our teacher taught us and I really am trying to apply is the story from numbers 13 and 14. (Read it!) The 12 scouts were chosen because they were the best of the best. But only 2 had the trust and faith in God that they could take the land. We don't have to make it difficult. Life is hard but the solution is sooooooo simple; Satan gets into our heads and says there is NO WAY it can be that easy, but I know it is that easy. =] Joseph Smith said, "Weary the Lord until he blesses you", prayer works! We need to pray always and if we do God will grant us everything and more that we desire. (Ether 1-3) (Ether3;2)
Abby!!! How are you doing?! If you can could you please send me an awesome package with EVERYTHING BYU?! We have a couple Utah fans in our little Italy and BYU needs to be repped. Thanks so much, I hope schools going well. Always make time to study and pray. BYU plays Utah this Saturday it's going to be crazy?!?! When is the game?
I love you all and wish you well. I’ll talk on the phone with you in 1 week!!! =] keep it up! =]
P.S. I forgot a couple things... that is what happens when you e-mail at 6 in the morning... I don't know where I’ll be assigned first, we don't know until we get there! Pretty exciting and in our flight group there's 5 of us, not too many, and we're all really good friends. =]
Ok about my back, I strained my lower back and I need a session or two of physical therapy so there will be some activity on my insurance. Hopefully everything will be fine before I leave, I’m sure it will.
Could you send an Italian CTR ring (size 9, and just a classic design) to the Italian mission home for me? It’s not a huge deal but I’d love to have it! =]
Finally could you have a great day for me!? Happy Thursday!! Can’t wait to hear from you.
15 September 2011
I Love the Lord
Another week has flown by! I only have 1 more letter to write until I leave for Italy. =] things are just awesome with me. Thanks so much dad for the packages they were supreme. (i got the bigger one first. You have to tell me how Elder Bednar was!!! I want to know! That is so cool. My teacher (Fratello Silva) might send an e-mail with a couple attachments with some amazing things and if he does could you forward them to me? Just so you can be on the lookout.
It’s good to hear that you’re getting adjusted to life with just 4 kids, and it's good to hear that dad is back safely. That’s crazy about Abby’s BofM teacher, maybe next time she'll heed my advice about picking a teacher... ha ha. =] I was able to see Brigham, it was shocking and a huge surprise and then I had to teach him which was nearly impossible because I was so shocked. But he's working here now and I’m really excited for him. I think this is where I want to work once I’m finished with my mission, it would be such a privilege.
The new Italians are doing pretty well. The sisters are incredible! (And I’m convinced they send the prettiest ones to Italy. Ha ha) the Elders still need to flip the switch in their minds that they aren’t "guys" any more but that they are missionaries for their Lord. But everyone needs to go through that process. About my comp, we haven’t heard anything about him or his situation... kind of a bummer. =[
Ha ha yeah when Elder Holland left the room, no one stood/spoke/moved for 30 seconds and then as people started to leave it was absolutely silent. The power he speaks with is incredible. Oh, and another thing I was thinking about after I sent the e-mail about studying, USE PREACH MY GOSPEL it's sooooooo under used by members!
The Italian is growing exponentially but I’m not really worried about that for now. Last night Elder Jay E Jenson talked to us about how missionaries need more skill in teaching/studying and finding. So that’s the #1 priority at the moment. I can't tell you how much I love our new teacher (Silva) he just has the most amazing life story and testimony and faith (I could go on and on).
BUT how are you all doing?! I only got a letter from mom this week!! You all are slacking. =P but don't really worry about it. That’s just the natural man coming out in me. It’s hard because I’m used to indulging when it comes to the natural man but now I’m starving him and he doesn’t like it. Ha ha but the spiritual man in me is having the time of his life!!! The MTC is incredible. I’m anxious to leave just to get to Italy but I don't want to leave this place because we get to study constantly! It’s so great =]
Oh before I go, how should I send the SD cards, just in an envelope or should I get a padded one? I’m glad to hear about the CD! The more music you can put on the iPod the better but I’m not sure how much time I’ll have to listen to conference talks. About the Chuck debit card, how much money is in the account currently? We need to be able to access $200ish during travel and it would be good to know how much is where.
I love you all and hope all is well. =]
P.S. Update me on BYU football!! It drives me crazy to see the stadium and not know what’s happening! Finally could you get on bodylastics.com and order an orange band? I need more weight! =P thanks you all are great. Oh and mom I got your letter today so don't worry about telling me again how Elder Bednar was =] it sounded spectacular! I love you all and wish you the best.
It’s good to hear that you’re getting adjusted to life with just 4 kids, and it's good to hear that dad is back safely. That’s crazy about Abby’s BofM teacher, maybe next time she'll heed my advice about picking a teacher... ha ha. =] I was able to see Brigham, it was shocking and a huge surprise and then I had to teach him which was nearly impossible because I was so shocked. But he's working here now and I’m really excited for him. I think this is where I want to work once I’m finished with my mission, it would be such a privilege.
The new Italians are doing pretty well. The sisters are incredible! (And I’m convinced they send the prettiest ones to Italy. Ha ha) the Elders still need to flip the switch in their minds that they aren’t "guys" any more but that they are missionaries for their Lord. But everyone needs to go through that process. About my comp, we haven’t heard anything about him or his situation... kind of a bummer. =[
Ha ha yeah when Elder Holland left the room, no one stood/spoke/moved for 30 seconds and then as people started to leave it was absolutely silent. The power he speaks with is incredible. Oh, and another thing I was thinking about after I sent the e-mail about studying, USE PREACH MY GOSPEL it's sooooooo under used by members!
The Italian is growing exponentially but I’m not really worried about that for now. Last night Elder Jay E Jenson talked to us about how missionaries need more skill in teaching/studying and finding. So that’s the #1 priority at the moment. I can't tell you how much I love our new teacher (Silva) he just has the most amazing life story and testimony and faith (I could go on and on).
BUT how are you all doing?! I only got a letter from mom this week!! You all are slacking. =P but don't really worry about it. That’s just the natural man coming out in me. It’s hard because I’m used to indulging when it comes to the natural man but now I’m starving him and he doesn’t like it. Ha ha but the spiritual man in me is having the time of his life!!! The MTC is incredible. I’m anxious to leave just to get to Italy but I don't want to leave this place because we get to study constantly! It’s so great =]
Oh before I go, how should I send the SD cards, just in an envelope or should I get a padded one? I’m glad to hear about the CD! The more music you can put on the iPod the better but I’m not sure how much time I’ll have to listen to conference talks. About the Chuck debit card, how much money is in the account currently? We need to be able to access $200ish during travel and it would be good to know how much is where.
I love you all and hope all is well. =]
P.S. Update me on BYU football!! It drives me crazy to see the stadium and not know what’s happening! Finally could you get on bodylastics.com and order an orange band? I need more weight! =P thanks you all are great. Oh and mom I got your letter today so don't worry about telling me again how Elder Bednar was =] it sounded spectacular! I love you all and wish you the best.
12 September 2011
20 Days Until Rome
Thanks for all the letters and support! Only 20 more days in the MTC!!! We don't know yet when we fly out but it will most likely be in 20 days (i think the 19th of August, I know it's a tuesday). I havent gotten any boxes, I'm not sure if you sent them or not but just in case they got lost or something. Also, about the Moleskine journals, were you able to find any? If anyone is asking about a gift or something, the best thing would be just money on my debit card so i can buy things there. =]
That stinks about that CD! I really wanted to have those songs on the iPod... if you can figure a way to get them on there it would be Wonderful, but if not, maybe just send me the CD. Thanks for working on the photos, send as many as you want! You could order them through Snapfish and just have them sent to the MTC... just a suggestion.
WE GET NEW ITALIANS TODAY!! I'm so excited!! BUT......... we only get 4 new Anziani and we're getting 7 new Sorelle!!! Rough. We're getting some new Portugese elders in our branch (we're going to have 74 missionaries in our branch, remember when we only had 11?) =]
Mattie, it's great to hear from you and about school. Hope things are going well and you like your teachers.
That is incredible that SAIC decided to change the policy on DoDDS schools. It's crazy how much our Father in Heaven is looking out for us and preparing everything. Ha ha, good luck with homeschooling! I know how much you love it! =P It should be good for Maren though.
Abby asked, how to study... hmmm I'd suggest before you study prepare a question you need answered and begin with prayer to help you find it. That way you have something to really focus on while you study. The main thing is pray, pray, pray. Just the advice of a 19 year old but I hope it helps.
We got to hear from Elder Holland last night! it was so incredible and powerful! he spoke about the nature of our relationship with God and our responsibilities as missionaries. I don't know the details but yesterday there was an Elder who died, just 4 hours before Elder Holland spoke to us. I don't know the circumstances but it hit him hard and he taught us that even though we aren't perfect, the people we meet will think of us as perfect and we have NO RIGHT to take that from them. He also spoke about the Savior and his love and our reliance on him. I could talk about this for hours but sadly i don't have time... =[ it was just an amazing experience.
We also got a new teacher, Bro. Silva, he replaced Brother Corey Calder (Abby if you meet him, date him) anyway, Bro. Silva is a future General Authority! He is such an incredible man! Every lesson with him is super great!
I've been reflecting a lot lately about missionaries and my role and it's interesting that there we are given the title Elder. That title is specifically for Apostles but in a way we're an extension of the 12. Because we have a message, and we are sharing the gospel with the world (the job of an Apostle) even though I'm a 19 year old boy, there is sooo much more and I actually can't even be considered a 19 year old boy because that is not a part of my role or purpose.
I've also been thinking a lot about what the mission does for me as a missionary because obviously it does things for those we serve but there has to be a reason it's done the way it is and if you think about it, everything we use for support in our lives (family, friends, sports, etc.) is gone and we have to rely 100% on the Lord and so among other things we are taught about how to overcome almost anything in life, even when there is nothing to rely on. Of course there is always some thing to rely on and that's the Savior and the comfort of the Holy Ghost.
Oh, Abby, so you know the fireworks for your orientation at the staduim? Guess what?! I saw them too!!! =] I'm jealous you are taking living prophets, i hear it's a wonderful class! Oh and tell Brynn to stop being so lazy! =P you and her should go to the DI (thrift shop) and get a couple nasty ties and send them to meee!! =P oh and could you sent a "rise up" tee shirt also? (medium) =] thanks! hope all is well and you are staying on top of things, it's hard but by the end of the semester you'll be grateful.
After I leave the MTC just write me emails and I'll respond by email.
I love you all and wish you well. Keep me up to date on you're lives.
Vi voglio e vi amo
Anziano Stewart
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