Thanks for all the letters and support! Only 20 more days in the MTC!!! We don't know yet when we fly out but it will most likely be in 20 days (i think the 19th of August, I know it's a tuesday). I havent gotten any boxes, I'm not sure if you sent them or not but just in case they got lost or something. Also, about the Moleskine journals, were you able to find any? If anyone is asking about a gift or something, the best thing would be just money on my debit card so i can buy things there. =]
That stinks about that CD! I really wanted to have those songs on the iPod... if you can figure a way to get them on there it would be Wonderful, but if not, maybe just send me the CD. Thanks for working on the photos, send as many as you want! You could order them through Snapfish and just have them sent to the MTC... just a suggestion.
WE GET NEW ITALIANS TODAY!! I'm so excited!! BUT......... we only get 4 new Anziani and we're getting 7 new Sorelle!!! Rough. We're getting some new Portugese elders in our branch (we're going to have 74 missionaries in our branch, remember when we only had 11?) =]
Mattie, it's great to hear from you and about school. Hope things are going well and you like your teachers.
That is incredible that SAIC decided to change the policy on DoDDS schools. It's crazy how much our Father in Heaven is looking out for us and preparing everything. Ha ha, good luck with homeschooling! I know how much you love it! =P It should be good for Maren though.
Abby asked, how to study... hmmm I'd suggest before you study prepare a question you need answered and begin with prayer to help you find it. That way you have something to really focus on while you study. The main thing is pray, pray, pray. Just the advice of a 19 year old but I hope it helps.
We got to hear from Elder Holland last night! it was so incredible and powerful! he spoke about the nature of our relationship with God and our responsibilities as missionaries. I don't know the details but yesterday there was an Elder who died, just 4 hours before Elder Holland spoke to us. I don't know the circumstances but it hit him hard and he taught us that even though we aren't perfect, the people we meet will think of us as perfect and we have NO RIGHT to take that from them. He also spoke about the Savior and his love and our reliance on him. I could talk about this for hours but sadly i don't have time... =[ it was just an amazing experience.
We also got a new teacher, Bro. Silva, he replaced Brother Corey Calder (Abby if you meet him, date him) anyway, Bro. Silva is a future General Authority! He is such an incredible man! Every lesson with him is super great!
I've been reflecting a lot lately about missionaries and my role and it's interesting that there we are given the title Elder. That title is specifically for Apostles but in a way we're an extension of the 12. Because we have a message, and we are sharing the gospel with the world (the job of an Apostle) even though I'm a 19 year old boy, there is sooo much more and I actually can't even be considered a 19 year old boy because that is not a part of my role or purpose.
I've also been thinking a lot about what the mission does for me as a missionary because obviously it does things for those we serve but there has to be a reason it's done the way it is and if you think about it, everything we use for support in our lives (family, friends, sports, etc.) is gone and we have to rely 100% on the Lord and so among other things we are taught about how to overcome almost anything in life, even when there is nothing to rely on. Of course there is always some thing to rely on and that's the Savior and the comfort of the Holy Ghost.
Oh, Abby, so you know the fireworks for your orientation at the staduim? Guess what?! I saw them too!!! =] I'm jealous you are taking living prophets, i hear it's a wonderful class! Oh and tell Brynn to stop being so lazy! =P you and her should go to the DI (thrift shop) and get a couple nasty ties and send them to meee!! =P oh and could you sent a "rise up" tee shirt also? (medium) =] thanks! hope all is well and you are staying on top of things, it's hard but by the end of the semester you'll be grateful.
After I leave the MTC just write me emails and I'll respond by email.
I love you all and wish you well. Keep me up to date on you're lives.
Vi voglio e vi amo
Anziano Stewart
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