Dearest family,
6 days until we fly out!! We got our travel plans and the thing about that missionary speaking with his family; they do it while they’re at airports with layovers and such. So here are the times for my layovers: in Chicago, 3:25-5:10 pm local time and in London, 6:55-9:10 am local time. So, I’ll most likely call while I’m in London. But what is the phone number I should use? I’ll just buy a calling card that will be good for an hour or so. Also, make sure everyone knows not to send anything else to the MTC, and to just send it to the mission home in Italy, the address is on facebook. If they get mail for a missionary that’s left, they return it to sender; they do not forward it to Italy.
Last Saturday or so I hurt my back... I think it's a pinched nerve in my lower back. I have an appointment today and hopefully we'll be able to make some progress/fix it before I leave for Italy.... =/
Ok, so because the post office is moving, all “dear elders” from Saturday and on haven’t been delivered yet and won't be until tomorrow so I don’t have anything to respond to so I’ll just talk about my week.
Yesterday we had Elder Ballard come and talk to us and it was PERFECT for us because we leave in a week. He basically took everything a missionary should or needs to do to be the best missionary they can be. There’s a lot to look over and apply. We also got to watch the special music and the spoken word from Sunday about 9/11 and it was really spectacular. Not just because of the music but the Spirit associated with it. It’s good to be an American, but not just an American, an American that knows that as long as I follow the example of my Savior I’ll be protected.
Today is our last time to go through the temple for 2 years... that’s a bummer. =/ but there'll be one in Rome!!!!! =] speaking of which could you look up the dates for dedication and open houses? I’ve heard about 10. Anyway, today we're going to go early to the temple and spend 30 minutes extra or so in the Celestial Room because, well I don’t think I have to give a reason because it's obvious. =] I just love the temple!!
It’s incredible the trust we are given as missionaries. We don't have the discussions, and we aren’t told where to go. EVERYTHING we do is by the Spirit which is 100 times stronger and more effective than being told what to say by a piece of paper. I’m only 19. I have virtually zero experience teaching but once I get into a lesson, and I have the spirit, I can see how I’ve been prepared from before the foundation of the earth to teach and lift those around me. I don't say that to boast, just to testify of the great love and wisdom of my Father in Heaven. I love him dearly.
Something that Elder Ballard said last night was in our lessons and life we need to "keep it simple" and this is something that I’ve found out also. If someone's having trouble with ANYTHING in their life all they need to do is pray and read the scriptures daily and go to church. If they do this with faith in Christ, and with real intent, and a desire to improve, it's a promise from Heavenly Father that everything will get better. AWESOME!
There are a lot of missionaries in the world, something our teacher taught us and I really am trying to apply is the story from numbers 13 and 14. (Read it!) The 12 scouts were chosen because they were the best of the best. But only 2 had the trust and faith in God that they could take the land. We don't have to make it difficult. Life is hard but the solution is sooooooo simple; Satan gets into our heads and says there is NO WAY it can be that easy, but I know it is that easy. =] Joseph Smith said, "Weary the Lord until he blesses you", prayer works! We need to pray always and if we do God will grant us everything and more that we desire. (Ether 1-3) (Ether3;2)
Abby!!! How are you doing?! If you can could you please send me an awesome package with EVERYTHING BYU?! We have a couple Utah fans in our little Italy and BYU needs to be repped. Thanks so much, I hope schools going well. Always make time to study and pray. BYU plays Utah this Saturday it's going to be crazy?!?! When is the game?
I love you all and wish you well. I’ll talk on the phone with you in 1 week!!! =] keep it up! =]
P.S. I forgot a couple things... that is what happens when you e-mail at 6 in the morning... I don't know where I’ll be assigned first, we don't know until we get there! Pretty exciting and in our flight group there's 5 of us, not too many, and we're all really good friends. =]
Ok about my back, I strained my lower back and I need a session or two of physical therapy so there will be some activity on my insurance. Hopefully everything will be fine before I leave, I’m sure it will.
Could you send an Italian CTR ring (size 9, and just a classic design) to the Italian mission home for me? It’s not a huge deal but I’d love to have it! =]
Finally could you have a great day for me!? Happy Thursday!! Can’t wait to hear from you.
I left home at 19 years of age to serve as an ambassador of Jesus Christ to the Italian people for two years in the Italy Rome mission. I left everything behind including my family, friends, TV, music, movies, newspapers, magazines, and electronics. I do not receive any compensation for this except for the blessings my Heavenly Father bestows on me...and that is everything!
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