Another week has flown by! I only have 1 more letter to write until I leave for Italy. =] things are just awesome with me. Thanks so much dad for the packages they were supreme. (i got the bigger one first. You have to tell me how Elder Bednar was!!! I want to know! That is so cool. My teacher (Fratello Silva) might send an e-mail with a couple attachments with some amazing things and if he does could you forward them to me? Just so you can be on the lookout.
It’s good to hear that you’re getting adjusted to life with just 4 kids, and it's good to hear that dad is back safely. That’s crazy about Abby’s BofM teacher, maybe next time she'll heed my advice about picking a teacher... ha ha. =] I was able to see Brigham, it was shocking and a huge surprise and then I had to teach him which was nearly impossible because I was so shocked. But he's working here now and I’m really excited for him. I think this is where I want to work once I’m finished with my mission, it would be such a privilege.
The new Italians are doing pretty well. The sisters are incredible! (And I’m convinced they send the prettiest ones to Italy. Ha ha) the Elders still need to flip the switch in their minds that they aren’t "guys" any more but that they are missionaries for their Lord. But everyone needs to go through that process. About my comp, we haven’t heard anything about him or his situation... kind of a bummer. =[
Ha ha yeah when Elder Holland left the room, no one stood/spoke/moved for 30 seconds and then as people started to leave it was absolutely silent. The power he speaks with is incredible. Oh, and another thing I was thinking about after I sent the e-mail about studying, USE PREACH MY GOSPEL it's sooooooo under used by members!
The Italian is growing exponentially but I’m not really worried about that for now. Last night Elder Jay E Jenson talked to us about how missionaries need more skill in teaching/studying and finding. So that’s the #1 priority at the moment. I can't tell you how much I love our new teacher (Silva) he just has the most amazing life story and testimony and faith (I could go on and on).
BUT how are you all doing?! I only got a letter from mom this week!! You all are slacking. =P but don't really worry about it. That’s just the natural man coming out in me. It’s hard because I’m used to indulging when it comes to the natural man but now I’m starving him and he doesn’t like it. Ha ha but the spiritual man in me is having the time of his life!!! The MTC is incredible. I’m anxious to leave just to get to Italy but I don't want to leave this place because we get to study constantly! It’s so great =]
Oh before I go, how should I send the SD cards, just in an envelope or should I get a padded one? I’m glad to hear about the CD! The more music you can put on the iPod the better but I’m not sure how much time I’ll have to listen to conference talks. About the Chuck debit card, how much money is in the account currently? We need to be able to access $200ish during travel and it would be good to know how much is where.
I love you all and hope all is well. =]
P.S. Update me on BYU football!! It drives me crazy to see the stadium and not know what’s happening! Finally could you get on and order an orange band? I need more weight! =P thanks you all are great. Oh and mom I got your letter today so don't worry about telling me again how Elder Bednar was =] it sounded spectacular! I love you all and wish you the best.
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